William Ludwig Lutgens expose « That Clinking, Clanking, Clunking »  in the NEWSPACE/Bruthausgallery.
 The show will be open from 07/03 tot 18/04.


…In the exhibition That clinking, clanking, clunking William Ludwig Lutgens in a characteristically playful manner interprets aspects of life in financialized capitalism. In a form of equivocal satire, the artist creates a world of absurd, associatively prompted characters entangled in the dynamics of competition. Consisting of works in sculpture, painting and drawing, as well as audio, the exhibition illuminates artist’s multidisciplinary way of working and urge for technical and material experimentation…

William Ludwig Lutgens is a visual artist based in Antwerp. His work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in Belgium and internationally. Lutgens has graduated from the Higher Institute of Fine Arts / HISK in Ghent. During 2019 Lutgens lived and worked in South Korea, where he attended the Nanji Residency at the Seoul Museum of Art and since 2018 he has been collaborating with FLACC for various on-going projects. The artist has been awarded several art prizes, including the Eeckman Art Prize (Bozar) and the Gaverprijs. Recent exhibitions include A Comedy of Humours (2020) at PLUSONE Gallery in Antwerp, Inside-Out at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels, DISSIDENCE: Quilting Against (2019) at Z33 in Hasselt. The work of Lutgens is included in numerous private collections, in addition to De Bruin-Heijn Collection, Kunstpatrimonium Stad Waregem and the collection of the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art – Ghent / S.M.A.K. 

text: by Anna Laganovska
image: sculptures William Ludwig Lutgens – Phot.: Damon De backer


Adress: Bruthausgallery . 
Molenstraat 84
8790 Waregem,Belgium