Vitrine ArtContest nodigt Lucie Lanzini in january 2017.
“Captives” Lucie Lanzini cultive une sensibilité particulière aux souvenirs et à la mémoire. Son processus de création s’exprime autour de notions telles que morcèlement / lien, présence / absence, vide / plein,… Le travail de moulage et d’empreinte offre à l’artiste un terrain de jeux...
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Art Brussels 2016
Oriol Vilanova Echantillons-Monsters In the context of Art Brussels, Vilanova is showing a couple of empty showcases in the Art Contest’s booth. This showcases are directly related to the installation Without Distinction (2016), one of the pieces exhibited now in his solo show at M...
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Expo ADAM Museum d’Oriol Vilanova.
Sin perder casi nada – Presque sans rien perdre (2015) In a display of postcards hitched to a picture rail, “Sin perder casi nada” (Whilst losing almost nothing) proposes a series of “surprise envelopes” dating from the Spain of the 1960s. Presented as they were,...
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